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Preservation Method Of An Empty Pharmaceutical Capsule

  The preservation method of empty pharmaceutical capsule:

  1. because the water content of an empty pharmaceutical capsule is relatively low, it is easy to break, and too much is easy to soften and deform, the water content of an empty pharmaceutical capsule should be controlled by 12.5-17.5% when it leaves the factory.

  2. Containers with capsules should be placed on shelves, away from windows and pipes to keep them in a cool and ventilated place and avoid sunlight and close to heat sources.

  3. Do not place it and weigh it at will.

  4. Before using, the packaging container should be kept sealed. If it has been opened, please take corresponding sterilization measures, otherwise, it will easily cause bacterial contamination.

  5. The inventory temperature should be kept at 15-25℃; The relative humidity is kept at 35–65%.

  6. It should not be stored in a high-temperature and high-humidity environment, otherwise it will be prone to adhesion and deformation due to becoming hot and soft. It should not be placed in a place where the temperature is too low or too dry, which will make the capsule brittle and fragile.

  7. According to the above storage conditions, empty HPMC capsules can be stored for more than 9 months.