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How To Use Medicinal Dietary Supplements Correctly?

  To survive, people have to eat different animal and plant foods every day. Some are natural and some are processed. Some additives may be added during the processing, some of these additives are for preservation, some are for increasing the taste, some are for increasing the shelf life, etc.

  At the same time, in the process of food processing, the original composition of the food will also change, and some will be destroyed or lost. Therefore, to ensure the human body's demand for nutrients, it is necessary to diversify food sources as much as possible and ensure the natural properties of food as much as possible. But doing it is difficult. Especially now that life is stressful and work is stressful, sometimes it is difficult to put more effort into the diet. In many cases, it is only to fill the stomach or satisfy the taste, ignoring the comprehensive demand and choice of nutrients.

  Under the premise that comprehensive and balanced nutrition cannot be achieved, an appropriate selection of some medicinal dietary supplements is a good alternative. Of course, this should not be used as the main method, and the choice of healthy food and a healthy lifestyle should not be ignored.

  Of course, not all medicinal dietary supplements are created equal.

  The way medicinal dietary supplements are produced, the form of nutrients, and the way and ratio of nutrients combined all determine the quality and effectiveness of a medicinal dietary supplement.

  Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to use it correctly.

  Supplements for Optimal Health

  No matter how much we focus on our diet, some nutrients are difficult to satisfy through food for various reasons. At this time, it is a wise choice to choose the appropriate medicinal dietary supplements.

  Vitamin D

  Humans get vitamin D in two main ways: from food (mainly fish and free-range eggs), or sunlight. Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D.

  Vitamin D is an important hormone that promotes the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate, thereby preventing osteoporosis. Vitamin D plays a very important role in regulating cell growth and maintaining the normal operation of the nervous and immune systems.

  More than 50% of the population in my country is deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a host of problems, including heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and more.

  Recommended dosage: 2000IU-5000IU per day

  Suggested form: Vitamin D3


  The amount of magnesium in foods depends on the land they are grown on. However, due to modern agricultural practices, magnesium is lost from the soil in large quantities, making it difficult for us to obtain enough magnesium through our daily food.

  But magnesium is so important that it is required for more than 300 known enzymatic reactions, including many that control important neurotransmitters and provide cellular energy.

  Magnesium deficiency can lead to various symptoms such as chronic fatigue, memory loss, constipation, and muscle aches.

  Suggested supplemental dosage: 250-350 mg daily.

  Suggested forms: Magnesium glycinate, Magnesium malate

  Vitamin K2

  Vitamin K2 can maintain bone health and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

  Natto, fermented vegetables, and cheese from grass-fed cows can provide adequate amounts of vitamin K2. If you do not eat these foods, vitamin K2 supplementation is necessary.

  Suggested supplemental dose: 100-1000 micrograms (mcg) daily

  Proposed Form: MK-7

  Vitamin C

  Vitamin C is adequate if you eat enough vegetables and fruits.

  But vitamin deficiencies are still very common.

  If you have chronic infection and inflammation problems, your body's need for vitamin C will increase.

  Suggested supplemental dose: 500-1000 milligrams (mg) daily

  Suggested form: Liposomal Vitamin C


  Probiotics can maintain the balance of our intestinal flora. A good gut microbiome protects us from allergies and autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. They touch every aspect of our health and affect how our brains function.

  For normal people, the cheapest and most effective source of probiotics is fermented foods, such as kimchi, kefir, and kombucha. Additional supplementation with probiotics may have potential benefits, and generally, no major adverse effects.

  For people with more severe intestinal disorders, probiotic supplementation is often necessary, but caution is required. Different people need different types of probiotics, and inappropriate types of probiotics may aggravate symptoms. For people with severe immunodeficiency, there is a risk (albeit rare) of infection with probiotic supplementation.